jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Language, Learning and Teaching

Chapter I H. D. Brown

What is a permanent struggle in teaching/learning?

The permanent struggle in teaching/learning is that you can´t separate the definition or the concept of teaching from learning, they go together, and if you are going to learn a second language you have to go beyond the knowledge of your 1st language you have to get into a new culture, a new way of thinking, feeling and acting.

Are we equipped with a do-it-yourself-kit to acquire languages?

We are not equipped with a do-it-yourself-kit, there are a lot of variables in the acquisition of a new language, you will need total commitment, intellectual, physical and emotional response to successfully receive and send messages in a second language.

Why do people learn or fail to learn a language?

We can consider this quest as eclectic and cautious because, there is no single theory or hypothesis, that provides a formula for all the learners in all the contexts and eclectic because you will have to be critical as you consider the merit of various models and theories and research findings about learning.

Name the issues to consider in second language acquisition

Some of the issues that are considering in SLA may be initially approach as a multitude of questions that are ask about this complex process.
Questions about: Learner characteristics, linguistic factors, learning processes, age and acquisition, instructional variables, context and purpose.

What are the motivations to learn a language?

Some of the motivations to learn a language will depend on the learner´s characteristics, either the age, the context, the purpose, the reasons will depend in particularly of each person everyone has different reasons some are just trying to improve their knowledge and other want to learn about the culture that involve a language or just because is a requirement.

What is a PARADIGM?

A model of something, a very clear and typical example of something, a theory, in the case of a second language acquisition.

Give 3 definitions for LANGUAGE

There is no exact definition for language and this will depend on the lexicographer the one who´s trying to define it. In general terms we can say that language is:

§  Language is systematic
§  Language is a set of arbitrary symbols. Those symbols are primarily vocal, but also    visual.
§  The symbols have conventionalized meanings to which they refer.
§  Language is used for communication.
§  Language operates in a speech community or culture.
§  Language is essentially human, although possibly not limited humans.
§  Language is acquired by all people in much the same way; language and language learning both have universal characteristics.

Some possible areas where language can be defined too are the area of phonetics phonology, syntactic, lexical and semantic analysis psycholinguistics, between others. You understanding of the component of language determine to a large extent how you teach language.

What is the relation between language and cognition?

The relation between language and cognition is that when you´re attempting to learn a language you store in your brain information about a language and all the factors that involves it, like the culture, the grammar rules, etc. the relation is to know about a language.
The relation between language and cognition is that language is dependent upon cognitive development.

Which are some LEARNING definitions?

Some definitions of learning are: “Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.”
“Learning as a change in an individual caused by experience” (Slavin, 2003, p. 138)
§  Learning is acquisition or “ getting”
§  Learning is retention of information or skill
§  Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization.
§  Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside or inside the organism
§  Learning is relatively permanent  but subject to forgetting
§  Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice
§  Learning is a change in behavior.

Can we define TEACHING apart from learning?

We cannot define teaching apart from learning because teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner, setting the conditions for learning. (the teaching process as the facilitation of learning)

What is the importance of our PEDAGOGICAL PHILOSPHY?

Teaching can be a very complex activity where you objective is that the learner be able to understand and learn a second language, your understanding of how the learner learns will determine you philosophy of education, you teaching style, methods and classroom techniques with this resources you have to be able to teach of an appropriate way.

Refer to the 3 schools of thought in SLA

Three schools of thought in SLA:
a.        Structural Linguistics and Behavioral Psychology (Early 1900s and 1940s and 1950s)
b.       Generative Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology (1960s, 1970s and 1980s)
c.        Constructivism (1980s, 1990s and 2000s)

Describe the GTM

GTM: Grammar Translation Method is a language teaching method in which the central focus is on grammatical rules, paradigms, and vocabulary memorization as the basis for translating from one language to another.

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