viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

How language is shaped



I) Indicate IF TRUTH OR FALSE, provide the correct info.
Chomsky claimed that:
1.- We have a predisposition to speak. T
2.- We have not been genetically programmed with mental structures. F (We have been   genetically programmed with mental structures.)
3.- Nouns, adjective and adverb are not used in our universal grammar. F (YES, they`re used in our universal grammar, because language is universal  and  innate of human beings, meaning that, nouns, adjective, adverb are used in all language but their differences are where they are situated in the grammar structures)
4.- We are able to learn an Alien´s language. F ( If their language violates the principles of our universal grammar We couldn´t be able to understand their language because it could have different codes)
5.- Skinner, Chomsky and Piaget agreed on their theories. F

6.- Skinner believes that a language organ can develop regarding the environment. F (Skinner says that language can be develop through training and experience)
He had differences with :
Language Organ
Skinner’s Behaviorist theory of language, learning, and mind.
Skinner agreed that humans were genetically programmed to see and hear.
He claimed that all our learning it could develop it with TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE.
The child passes through cognitive states, but he wasn´t really clear about what produced a new stage of cognitive
He claimed that all our cognitive stages could develop with our experiences.

II) Match the following pictures to the corresponding theory, and therefore author. 

 Chomsky  --> language organ

Skinner--> Training and experience

Piaget --> stages cognition 

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